Linux Ngnix as Reverse Proxy KodeKloud Engineer Task Success



Linux Ngnix as Reverse Proxy KodeKloud Engineer Task Success

Please Note :-  Perform the below commands based on your question  server,  user name & other details might differ . So please read task carefully before executing. All the Best 👍

Question :  
a. Install Apache Server on Nautilus Backup Server and configure it to use 6000 port (do not bind it to only, keep it default i.e let Apache listen on server's IP, hostname, localhost, etc).

b. Install Nginx webserver on Nautilus Backup Server and configure it to use 8095.

c. Configure Nginx as a reverse proxy server for Apache.

d. There is a sample index file /home/index.html on Jump Host, copy that file to Apache's document root.

e. Make sure to start Apache and Nginx services.

f. You can test final changes using curl command, e.g curl http://<backup server IP or Hostname>:8095.


1. At first copy sample index file from jump server to backup server

      scp /home/index.html clint@stbkp01:/tmp/

2. Login on Backup server  ssh clint@stbkp01

3. Switch to  root user : sudo su -

3. Install the packages Apache & Nginx. 

    yum install httpd

4. For Nginx , 1st we need to install epel repo

    yum install epel-release

     yum install  nginx

5. Edit the httpd.conf & change the Listen port from 80 to 6000 

        ( Please refer to your task, also watch video below)

    vi /etc/httpd/httpd/config

6. Edit Nginx file and do the below changes ( Refer video for more details )

        vi /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

7.  Copy the index.html file from /tmp to /var/www/html/

        cp /tmp/index.html /var/www/html/

8. Start the httpd and nginx services 

9. validate the task by below commands 



10.  Click on Finish & Confirm to complete the task successful

Happy Learning!!!!

Apart from this if you need more clarity,  I have made a  tutorial video on this , please go through and share your comments. Like and share the knowledge

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