Linux Challenge 4 - clean and manipulate some data and then create an archive of that data



Linux Challenge 4 - clean and manipulate some data and then create an archive of that data


Question : Some of our apps generate some raw data and store the same in /home/bob/preserved directory. We want to clean and manipulate some data and then want to create an archive of that data.

Note: The validation will verify the final processed data so some of the tests might fail till all data is processed as asked.

Inspect the requirements in detail by clicking on the icons of the interactive architecture diagram on the right and complete the tasks. Once done click on the Check button to validate your work

Create a script called "/home/bob/".

·        Find the "hidden" files in "/home/bob/preserved" directory and copy them in "/opt/appdata/hidden/" directory (create the destination directory if doesn't exist).

·         Find the "non-hidden" files in "/home/bob/preserved" directory and copy them in "/opt/appdata/files/" directory (create the destination directory if doesn't exist).

·         Find and delete the files in "/opt/appdata" directory that contain a word ending with the letter "t" (case sensitive).

Create a "softlink" called "/home/bob/appdata.tar.gz" of "/opt/appdata.tar.gz" file.

Create a "tar.gz" archive of "/opt/appdata" directory and save the archive to this file: "/opt/appdata.tar.gz"

·        The "appdata.tar.gz" archive should have the final processed data.

Add the "sticky bit" special permission on "/opt/appdata" directory (keep the other permissions as it is).

·        Make "bob" the "user" and the "group" owner of "/opt/appdata.tar.gz" file.

·        The "user/group" owner should have "read only" permissions on "/opt/appdata.tar.gz" file and "others" should not have any permissions.

Change all the occurrences of the word "yes" to "no" in all files present under "/opt/appdata/" directory.

·        Change all the occurrences of the word "raw" to "processed" in all files present under "/opt/appdata/" directory. It must be a "case-insensitive" replacement, means all words must be replaced like "raw , Raw , RAW" etc.

Create "/opt/appdata" directory.

Do not delete any files from "/home/bob/preserved" directory.


1. At first  switch to root user and list the /opt folders

[bob@centos-host ~]$ sudo su

[root@centos-host ~]#

[root@centos-host ~]# ls -l /opt/

total 0

[root@centos-host ~]#

2. Make directories hidden & files under /opt/appdata

[root@centos-host ~]# mkdir -p /opt/appdata/hidden

[root@centos-host ~]# mkdir -p /opt/appdata/files

[root@centos-host ~]#

[root@centos-host ~]# ls -l /opt/appdata/

files/  hidden/

[root@centos-host ~]# ls -l /opt/appdata/

total 8

drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Nov 13 15:10 files

drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Nov 13 15:09 hidden

[root@centos-host ~]#

3. Find the"non-hidden" files in "/home/bob/preserved" directory and copy them in "/opt/appdata/files/" directory

Find the "hidden" files in "/home/bob/preserved" directory and copy them in "/opt/appdata/hidden/" directory

[root@centos-host ~]# find /home/bob/preserved -type f -not -name ".*" -exec cp "{}" /opt/appdata/files/ \;

 [root@centos-host ~]#

 [root@centos-host ~]# find /home/bob/preserved -type f -name ".*" -exec cp "{}" /opt/appdata/hidden/ \;

[root@centos-host ~]#

4. Find and delete the files in "/opt/appdata" directory that contain a word ending with the letter "t" (case sensitive) 

[root@centos-host ~]# rm -f $(find /opt/appdata/ -type f -exec grep -l 't\>' "{}"  \; )

[root@centos-host ~]#

5. Change all the occurrences of the word "yes" to "no" in all files present under "/opt/appdata/" directory.

Change all the occurrences of the word "raw" to "processed" in all files present under "/opt/appdata/" directory. It must be a "case-insensitive" replacement, means all words must be replaced like "raw , Raw , RAW" etc

[root@centos-host ~]# find /opt/appdata -type f -name "*" -exec sed -i 's/\byes\b/no/g' "{}" \;

[root@centos-host ~]#

[root@centos-host ~]# find /opt/appdata -type f -name "*" -exec sed -i 's/\braw\b/processed/ig' "{}" \;

[root@centos-host ~]#

6. Create a "tar.gz" archive of "/opt/appdata" directory and save the archive to this file: "/opt/appdata.tar.gz"

[root@centos-host ~]# cd /opt

[root@centos-host opt]# tar -zcf appdata.tar.gz appdata

[root@centos-host opt]#

[root@centos-host opt]# ls

appdata  appdata.tar.gz

7. Add the "sticky bit" special permission on "/opt/appdata" directory (keep the other permissions as it is).

·       Make "bob" the "user" and the "group" owner of "/opt/appdata.tar.gz" file.

·       The "user/group" owner should have "read only" permissions on "/opt/appdata.tar.gz" file and "others" should not have any permissions.

[root@centos-host opt]# chmod +t /opt/appdata

[root@centos-host opt]# ls -lsd /opt/appdata

4 drwxr-xr-t 4 root root 4096 Nov 13 15:10 /opt/appdata

[root@centos-host opt]# chown bob:bob /opt/appdata.tar.gz

[root@centos-host opt]#

[root@centos-host opt]# ls -lsd /opt/appdata

4 drwxr-xr-t 4 root root 4096 Nov 13 15:10 /opt/appdata

[root@centos-host opt]# chmod 440 /opt/appdata.tar.gz

[root@centos-host opt]#

8. Create a "softlink" called "/home/bob/appdata.tar.gz" of "/opt/appdata.tar.gz" file.

[root@centos-host opt]# ln -s /opt/appdata.tar.gz /home/bob/appdata.tar.gz

[root@centos-host opt]#

9. Create a script called "/home/bob/".

[root@centos-host opt]# vi /home/bob/

[root@centos-host opt]# cat /home/bob/


tar -xzOf /opt/appdata.tar.gz | grep processed > /home/bob/filtered.txt

[root@centos-host opt]#

[root@centos-host opt]# chmod +x /home/bob/

[root@centos-host opt]#

[root@centos-host opt]# ls -l /home/bob/

.bash_logout    .bash_profile   .bashrc         appdata.tar.gz       preserved/     

[root@centos-host opt]#

10. Execute the scrtip and filter the My processed data in filter.txt file

[root@centos-host opt]# /home/bob/

[root@centos-host opt]#

[root@centos-host opt]# ls -l /home/bob/

.bash_logout    .bash_profile   .bashrc         appdata.tar.gz       filtered.txt    preserved/     

[root@centos-host opt]#

[root@centos-host opt]# cat /home/bob/filtered.txt

My processed data

My processed data

My processed data

My processed data

[root@centos-host opt]#

11. Click on Finish & Confirm to complete the task successfully

Automate the entire lab in a single script!

you can copy form gitlab

Happy Learning!!!!

Apart from this if you need more clarity,  I have made a  tutorial video on this , please go through and share your comments. Like and share the knowledge

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